WatchFreeMovies The Wolf of Wall Street Watch Full Length

USA / Release Year=2013 / Star=Jonah Hill, Matthew McConaughey / Runtime=180 Minute / 1110981 Vote / Jordan Belfort


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The Wolf of Wall Street sees Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio reunite for the first time since Shutter Island.
After seeing the trailer I was thoroughly looking forward to what looked like a hugely entertaining film about greed, greed and erm, more greed. So what's the premise, well it's pretty simple. Jordan Belfort (DiCaprio) and Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill) set up a business together selling anything and everything to rich people with too much money. The film charts their success and shows the ridiculous things that happen behind the closed doors on Wall Street.
The film starts at a furious pace and the viewer is thrust straight into the crazy mix that is Belfort's world. You see dwarfs being thrown at targets, naked women walking around the office and a monkey handing out payslips. Just like my Monday morning. br> So is this film what you expect, well I would say yes, it is. It is stupid, outrageous but most importantly entertaining. You laugh out loud in most scenes but then remember that this guy is a real person. It makes you a little sick but I guess that's the idea.
DiCaprio is perfect as the lead role and is totally believable as this arrogant, money grabbing Lothario. Hill is the surprise of the film and is brilliant as his goofy sidekick.
So this film could of been a 9 out of 10 but why isn't it? Well firstly the film is three hours long and to be honest it really doesn't need to be. Some scenes are over-indulgent with Scorsese deciding to let them run for fifteen minutes even when they don't develop the story. The 2nd hour is not much different than the first. Yes it is still entertaining but when the story is not necessarily moving forwards you question why Scorsese kept the film as long as it is.
The ending (without giving it away) is just okay and the whole story is a little underwhelming. In the end you don't really like any of the characters but the superb acting and funny script keeps you enjoying it until the end. Very good but could of been great.


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I was definitely looking forward to seeing this movie but I was a little worried that the three hour time frame of the movie would leave me with feelings of boredom and countless times of checking my clock. Thankfully I didn't even check my watch once as this movie is a pure ride of in your face Scorsese directing.
Leo was great and Jonah Hill was stellar. I think both of these guys are up for some nominations and likely even a few wins. It may be hard once again for Leo to win best actor, simply because of Chiwetel Ejiofor's performance in 12 Years a Slave but Leo's performance was awesome.
Simply put, if you're a fan of the old Scorsese classics, this movie won't disappoint.





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